Home > STI Needs on Spatial Domain > VAIKHAWTLANG
Vaikhawtlang village is in the north-eastern part of Mizoram sharing a border line with Myanmar at a coordinate of latitude 23.890955°N, 93.371689°E longitude. The village has a population of 1600 people and 225 houses whose major livelihood is dominated by farming and cattle herding. The village has ten agriculture based co-operative societies which include Better Jhum and Horticultural society. Both Jhum and Wet Rice Cultivation are practised in the village. Major crops produced are paddy, chillies, brinjal, soybean, linseed, and ginger. Fruits produced in the village include mango, orange, and pineapple.
The major constraint to agricultural activities is scarcity of water and most of the agricultural lands are not motorable roads.
The only regular market chain is champhai, which is often difficult to reach as the produce are self-marketed. Due to lack of processing and storage facilities, there is often spoilage of produce such as mangoes, mustard leaves and ginger.