Home > STI Needs on Spatial Domain > NORTH MUALCHENG
North Mualcheng village is in the eastern Part of Mizoram at a coordinate of latitude 23.1847° N and 93.0539° E longitude. The village has a population of around 1400 belonging to 300 household approximately.
Status and management of natural resources
There is one community reserved forest under the control of village council and there is one park maintained by the Young Mizo Association.
The village have one perennial water source at Bawk tlang which is the main water source for the village accessed through pipeline. Water from this source was collected at community water tank and distributed again at different water points within the village on a timely basis.
Secondary water sources are rainwater collected by simple rainwater harvesting system installed at the roof of certain houses collected at small water tank owned by the household.
The village also have one electrically pumped borewell and few hand-pumped borewells.
Agriculture and horticulture issues
Wet rice cultivation (WRC) is being practised by around 300 families, water sources for this fields are accessed gravitationally from streams such as Varva, Zuva and Lungva streams. Rabi crops failed during the 2020 to 2021 season.
Orange plantation practise starts from around the year 2000. Each household have an average of 500 plant. Now the plantation starts failing.
Fertilizers used are organic as well as chemical.
Perception of climate change
Impact of climate change were not found to be significantly higher than previous times.