Manohar Parrikar Yuva Scientist Award, 2024

Late Shri Manohar Parrikar who served as Chief Minister of Goa and Defence Ministerof India believed that the country, particularly its youth, should pursue excellence inscience and technology. As a reminder of this ideal, the State of Goa celebrates his birthanniversary (13th December) as “Manohar Parrikar Vidnyan Mahotsav” with lectures andexhibits by eminent scientists and technologists. During the Mahotsav in 2022, Dr.Pramod Sawant, Chief Minister of Goa, announced institution of an annual award“Manohar Parrikar Yuva Scientist Award”’, for a young scientist with provenexcellence, and promise of performance in future. The award, which will be handed outon 13 December 2024, carries a prize of Rs. 5,00,000/- and a Citation.

The Department of Science, Technology and Waste Management, State of Goa, invitesapplications for this year’s award from Indian scientists/ technologist below the age of 35(as on 31 December 2023). The applications will be evaluated by an Expert Committeeheaded by Dr. Anil Kakodkar, Former Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission. Theshortlisted candidates will be invited for a presentation before the committee. Thecandidates shall be judged on: (1) Impact of work done so far, as judged from researchpublications in high-impact journals, patents, and other measures. (2) A viable actionplan for the future which may include research or application of the research for thebenefit of India. The decision of the Expert Committee shall be final. Only onecandidate shall be selected for the award each year.

The application should consist of the following items:

  1. Name of the candidate:
  2. Address, email, telephone number:
  3. Present Institute/ University/ Organization:
  4. Educational Qualifications beginning with the latest, and giving grade/percentage etc.wherever applicable.
  5. List research institutions/laboratories where the candidate has worked beginning withthe latest.
  6. Proof of having not crossed 35 years as on 31st December 2023.
  7. An account of research carried out so far (including doctoral thesis) highlighting itsimpact and/or its applications (not more than 500 words).
  8. A future action plan and road map of intended work to achieve scientific,technological and social relevance to India’s progress. ( not more than 500 words)
  9. A letter of support from an institution or organization for the work proposed under(h).
  10. Two letters of recommendation from eminent scientists/ academicians who arefamiliar with the applicant’s work.
  11. A list of research papers published in refereed journals (Attach a maximum of fivehigh quality research papers).
  12. List any recognition/ awards from State/ Central Government/ reputed Institutions/International organizations for work done so far.
  13. Whether applied for the last Edition of Yuva Scientist Award.

The application should be signed, and a soft copy of the full application should beemailed to: before 30th September 2024. Eachapplication will be acknowledged by email.

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