Home > STI Needs on Spatial Domain > BAIRABI
Bairabi is a census town in the North-West end of Kolasib district bordering Assam. The town is divided into two village councils, Bairabi North with 853 houses and Bairabi South with 400 houses. It is the railhead of Mizoram and the Bairabi railway station serves as the only station to access the railway line in Mizoram. It is therefore the centre of business for goods sent in and out of the state via trains. The livelihood of the majority of people in North Bairabi depends on the activities around the train station. Timber, bamboo, fish and few agricultural products are sent via trains to other states.

The major cash crops cultivated are Oil palm and arecanut. Arecanut cultivation started a few years ago and has a huge potential to change the livelihood of the people. Oil palm had been cultivated a few years before arecanut, however due to the challenges in harvesting and marketing of palm oil, many fully grown palm oil trees are being cleared off and replaced with other cash crops like arecanut. Farmer Management Committee and Bairabi Farming Society are societies based on the major livelihood.