Home > STI Needs on Spatial Domain > BUNGHMUN

Bunghmun is a village with a total population of 1520 with 250 houses, around 99.54% of the people living in this village are Scheduled tribe. Most of the people depend on agriculture as a major source of livelihood. The major agricultural practices include settled farming: where almost all of the farmers in this village practised, Jhum cultivation: where a very few of the farmers pursued so as just to sustain their annual rice requirement, and rubber plantation. The most common agricultural practice in this area is growing Areca nuts in a settled farm. Most of the farmers pursued Areca nut farming due to favourable climatic conditions and better market linkage. Most of the farmers grow their land and make agreements with the mainland middlemen. It has been reported that during this year only 10 families from the village have pursued jhum cultivation.


Figure 1: Interaction with President of Village Council, Bunghmun
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