Home > STI Needs on Spatial Domain > CHIAHPUI
Chiahpui village is in the north-eastern part of Mizoram at a coordinate of latitude 24.0213572°N, 93.1883221°E longitude. Chiahpui is a village of 1102 people, 216 families. The livelihood of the people primarily depends on agriculture crops such as paddy, chillies, ginger, orange, banana, pineapple. Majority of the families (150) are engaged in jhum cultivation, 30 families engaged in Wet rice cultivation and 50 families engaged in permanent farming. The main funding source is the NREGS which is also the main source of income for most of the families.
Organic farming is practiced in the village. However, the need for fertilizers is reported by some farmers but is not available in the area. Soil conservation practices such as terracing and contouring of hilly areas are done with fund from NREGS.
The major constraint to agricultural practice reported by the village council members were problems caused by pests, rotting of fruit trees and lack of experts to guide them with these calamities.
Post-harvest management
There is not a single facility for processing or storage of the agricultural produces in the village. Since the market chain is not very good, surplus products often deteriorate and rot away. Due to this the amount of production has been managed. A better market chain or an storage/processing facility will surely boost their production.
The village have a thick plentiful natural forests, beautiful valleys and places that are potentially promising for biotourism such as diarkhai tlang, fangfar puk, keltan, zahmawh lungpui etc.