Home > STI Needs on Spatial Domain > CHUHVEL
Chuhvel is a village with a total population of 936 ,127 houses and 467 Scheduled tribe. The major agricultural practices in this area are settled farming and Wet Rice Cultivation. The major crops grown in this area are Areca nut, Citrus, Potato & Banana. Most of the Potato farming in this village is done in the WRC area of the village under the initiative of FOCUS. Apart from agriculture, as per the report of the respondent the village have faced some issues on the quality of their drinking water. The drinking water in this village is tapped from the village forest with a G.I. Pipe. There has been a report that there are lots of sediments deposited and this has caused health issues to the residents of this village. During this survey, it has been reported that more than 5 persons of the villagers have currently faced urinal and kidney problems.
Agriculture Scenario
As per the survey report, the major agriculture practices are WRC, settled farming. In the case of WRC there are five different plots of land. The village has a huge potential area for different agricultural practices due to favourable topographic conditions. Cash crops like potato, chickpea are the major crops grown in this area. As per the report of the respondent one family can grow around 300kg of potato and able to harvest more than 28000 kg and in case of chickpea from the 2 kg seed, they can usually harvest 400 kg. Most of the seeds are supplied by the government. However, to perform different land preparation like tilling the soil, harrowing etc. there is only one tractor that performs in a very limited period of time.
As the village has a huge potential for agricultural practices due to favourable topographic conditions. To increase their productivity, mechanisation like tillage, harrowing, in land preparation will increase the land productivity by adding humus to the soil and make the soil more favourable for agricultural practices. Apart from that, mechanisation will reduce the labour cost in their land preparation, harvesting (potato digger), and transportation.
ii) Irrigation
Irrigation has become the most important factor to increase the productivity of the land and make the land able to be productive in off season. Although the village has a huge potential area for agricultural practices, less than 50% of the agricultural area is under irrigation.
iii) Safe drinking water
As mentioned before, the village has faced issues in their quality of drinking water and has caused health issues to the villagers. Scientific research on the quality of their drinking water and filtration method is the immediate requirement as this has caused a health concern to the residents of the village.
iv) Plant protection and pest control.