Home > STI Needs on Spatial Domain > HNAHLAN
Hnahlan village is in the eorth-eastern part of Mizoram at a coordinate of latitude 23.6938° N and 93.3817° E longitude. The village has a population of more than 3000 persons belongin to more than 500 households.It is a village in the north eastern corner of Mizoram state has been the leading producer of grape in Mizoram during the past two decades. The practise of farming grapes in agricultural land has started in the year 1994 and it became a major practise in the village since the year 2000. Since then, at the peak year the production often reaches upto 5000 to 6000 quintals. Grapes harvested are sold at markets within the state by means of fruits and home brewed wine and juices. Then in 2005, registered society called ‘Hnahlan Grape Growers and Processing Cooperative Society’ was formed in the village to systematically deal with post-harvest marketing and processing of the grape produce. By the initiatives of this society and with the help a consultancy services, a winery industry with machineries was established in 2007 which fully functioned since 2010. The winery has the capacity to process around 1800 to 2000 quintals. The remaining grape produce are then continued to be brewed at home by individual farmers. The processing of wine in the winery was carried out under the supervision of a trained professional who has been engaged by the society itself. Since then, with proper management by the society, their annual turnover often reaches Rs. 4 to 5 crores each year.
However, the implementation of Mizoram Liquor (Prohibition and Control) Act 2014 in 2015 has led to the drastic decline in marketing of the grape wine as the government has legalized establishing wineshops which sells imported liquor at cheap prices. As a result, the cultivation of grapes and winery were abandoned by majority of the farmers.
In 2019, liquor total prohibition was enacted again the state, the cultivation and winery were revived several problems start to rise: –
- Expected alcohol percentage of the wine it not to exceed 5% while the grape itself when brewed exceeded the limit. Further, the Isabella variety of grape used and cultivated is quite sour in taste and sugars must be added while making the wine, as a result the alcohol percentage increases.
- Majority of their machineries become inefficient and function improperly.
- Grape cultivation land become inhabited by weeds which are prone to forest fires. Grape posts and GI wires laid for supporting grape vines gets rusted and damaged.
- Water sources becomes limited which affects productivity.
- Fertilizers becomes very expensive as they are restarting their business which makes it unaffordable.
- Winery office and quarter buildings are in dilapidated conditions and some of them cannot housed heavy equipment.