Home > STI Needs on Spatial Domain > KHAWHAI

Khawhai village is in the eastern part of Mizoram at a coordinate of latitude 23.3766° N and 93.1265° E longitude. The village has a population of 2500 belonging to about 560 households.

Status and management of natural resources

Village hilltop is being conserved. Bird Sanctuary project is being implemented on an area of about 20 acres which is administered by village council and YMA. There is one other reserved forest at the entrance of the village.

The hill top reserved forest housed a natural lake which is the source of water for the village and also shared with other four other nearby villages. Water from the lake is harvested by pipeline to a community water tanky (2 nos of 10000 litres each) which are then distributed ot different public water points in the village.

Rainwater harvesting is practised by certain housed who can afford it. There is acute shortage of water during dry season, as a result, other sources are being sought from nearby natural drainages. There are 17 springs of which 9 of them are perennial. One section of the village have a community rain water harvesting system.

Climate change perception

Not much impact of climate change is perceived. However, scrub typhus and diarrhoea/dysentery are perceived as impacts of climate change.

Agriculture and horticulture issues

Major crops cultivated are pineapple, oranges, lemon, ginger and paddy (WRC and shifting cultivation). Ginger and Tree beans fails during the recent years. Rabi crops are not grown while cabbages and mustard are cultivated at the lower reaches near river side. Organic and chemical fertilizers are used on oranges.

Land use land cover change

LULC changes during the past years while the community forest reserve are still intact and remains more or less unchanged.

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