Home > STI Needs on Spatial Domain > KHAWKAWN
Khawkawn village is in the north-eastern part of Mizoram at a coordinate of latitude 24.0188146°N, 93.2212883°E longitude. Khawkawn is a village situated at the North-East corner of Mizoram sharing a border line with Manipur. The village has a population of 1365 people and 189 houses and farming is the dominant livelihood. About 100 families are engaged in jhum cultivation within an area of about 150 acres. The main funding source is the NREGS and the work from such projects are the main source of income for most families. Projects done using NREGS includes construction of agricultural link roads, terracing of farms and contour plots. However, accessibility of the area is still a key constraint. Major crops include paddy, banana, oranges, tree beans and chillies. These crops are marketed in Manipur though the market chain is poor and often difficult.