Home > STI Needs on Spatial Domain > NE-KHAWDUNGSEI

N.E Khawdungsei village is in the north-eastern part of Mizoram at a coordinate of latitude 23.9751477°N, 93.2143792°E longitude. N.E Khawdungsei is a village with a population of 2400 with 470 families.

Major agricultural crops include paddy, maize, chillies, brinjal, cucumber and  mock tomato.

Funds from National schemes like NREGS have been their livelihood support. The funds are used for construction of contour trenches, terracing of farms and linked roads that made 60% of their agriculture sites accessible.

Limited availability of water has been a constraint in WRC. More than 150 acres of land having potential for WRC is not being utilised due to limited water availability. The village has a very good water source from tuivai river but there is no irrigation facility to supply the much needed water.

The only proper market link for their produce is Aizawl. Due to lack of market and lack of storage or processing facilities, the surplus products often deteriorate. History of such cases include bulk spoilage of ginger (2016) and bulk spoilage of cucumbers during 2020 & 2021 during COVID lockdown.

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