Home > STI Needs on Spatial Domain > NGHALCHAWM
Nghalchawm is a small village of 91 families with a population of about 450 and is located in Mamit district. The major livelihood is based on agricultural farming and livestock production. The common agricultural produce include maize, oilpalm, arecanut, etc.

Piggery farming at Nghalchawm
Nghalchawm is one of the selected villages for Cluster piggery villages under the project IPEED (Invention towards Pig productivity Enhancement through Entrepreneurship Development). Pigs are mostly housed in traditional wooden pig sty with a tin roof, they are fed with their agricultural products specially maize.
Nghalchawm is connected via an unmetalled road that is often not non-functional during the rainy season. It is the crucial need of the village to have better access for better connectivity.
African Swine Fever:
Even though Nghalchawm is a very isolated village that is not connected via highways. Unfortunately, the ASF still finds a way to reach the piggeries causing deaths of pigs and wild boar in the village. Vaccination is the only known solution to contain the virus right now but it is still out of reach for the poor farmers who are facing one of the worst disasters in their lifetime.