Home > STI Needs on Spatial Domain > ZAMUANG
Zamuang is a village of 350 houses with a population of about 1424. Zamuang is known to be one of the largest producers of arecanut in Mizoram. 320 families (91 percent) depend on arecanut as their major source of income. Cultivation of arecanuts in the village started from 1970’s, after a decade, more families started to engage in arecanut plantation. There are co-operative societies such as Multipurpose and credit co-operative societies, Kuhva ching Association, Farmers Producers Association.
Areca Nut as a Major livelihood Option:
The livelihood of the village is dominated by arecanut production.
Conventional farming is practised without any land preparation. Clear cutting of grass and herbs around the area is done three or four times a year. The farmers reported a need for fertilisers as many arecanut trees are dying probably due to lack of soil nutrients. However, the only fertiliser used is lime.

Post harvest
No storage facility is available in the village. However, the arecanuts are sold even before fruiting to be harvested at the time of maturity to traders from Assam and other mainland India.
1.Kuhva skob khawl: The arecanut growers’ association have a Kuhva skob khawl for preparation of dried areca nuts.

2.Disposable plate making machine: The Self Help Group has a machine that makes biodegradable disposable plates from arecanut leaves.
- Areca nut drying machine
- Fertilisers
- Link road
- Water
- Market investment