Activities of Phase I (2014-2020)

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Directorate of Science & Technology, Government of Mizoram was given the responsibility of coordinating the climate change programme of the Government of Mizoram in 2010. Different activities can be briefly highlighted below which were taken over by the Mizoram State Climate Change Cell after its establishment: –

  • State Climate Change Action Plan (SAPCC) version 1 (2012 – 2017) was prepared was approved by National Steering Committee on Climate Change, New Delhi.
  • Apex body for managing climate change issues in the state was formed viz. the State Climate Change Council and the State Executive Council on Climate Change. The former is chaired by the Chief Minister and the latter by the Chief Secretary of the State.
  • Mizoram State Climate Change Cell was created in Directorate of Science and Technology, Govt. of Mizoram under NMSHE in 2014 with the aforementioned detail project objectives.
  • A booklet on Overview of The Mizoram State Action Plan on Climate Change and Climate Change Scenario in Mizoram on 25th August 2015. This was done so as to build the capacity and spread awareness amongst the policy makers, line departments and the masses.
  • Seven project proposals prepared by the SCCC was approved by the State Executive Council on Climate Change in 2015 which acted as the State Steering Committee. These projects were submitted to the National Steering Committee, New Delhi.
  • Several meetings had been conducted with stakeholders and especially with NABARD regarding preparation of Climate Change projects and funding agencies.
  • a)On the 20th April, 2015, at the Chief Secretary’s office Chamber, Aizawl, meeting was held with line departments of SAPCC where 16 participants where climate change project was discussed.
  • b)On the 12th June and 10th July, 2015, at the Chief Secretary’s office Chamber, Aizawl, meeting was held with Executive Council on Climate Change – Mizoram where climate change project was discussed.
  • c)On the 13th August, 2015, at the Chief Secretary’s office Chamber, Aizawl, Meeting and presentation on climate change project was also held.

The Co-ordination of State Action Plan on Climate Change was transferred from DST to the Department of Environment Forest& Climate Change, Government of Mizoram in 2015. As such, the activities under Mizoram State Climate Change Cell were prioritized based on the requirements of National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE) and the Strategic Knowledge Mission under the Mizoram State Action Plan on Climate Change. These can be broadly categorised into Capacity Building, Research and Development and Awareness programmes on Climate Change

State Action Plan on Climate Change Version 2 (Upto 2030)

The Mizoram State Climate Change Cell was given the responsibility to review and finalised the Strategic Knowledge Mission (SKM) of the Mizoram State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) Version 2 (Upto 2030). Further, Mizoram SCCC also finalized the technical chapter of the SAPCC i.e. Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of Mizoram at District Level. The finalized version of the Mizoram SAPCC (Version 2) is soon to be approved by the Mizoram State Executive Council on Climate Change.


State Climate Change Executive Council meeting chaired by Shri Lalmalsawma, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram
Meeting of State Climate Change Executive Council and stakeholders

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