Climate Change Awareness through Cleaning of River/Stream (Luipui stream)

State Climate Change Cell under Mizoram Science, Technology and Innovation Council (MISTIC) in collaboration with Mission Veng Youth Adventure Club (YAC) organized cleaning of river Luipui on 26th February, 2022.

Luipui river is an important freshwater source for the people residing in Aizawl. It merges with the river Tlawng. Even though this river has been polluted before the year 2008, it still serves as the main source of water for the people residing nearby. With the passage of time, this river has become less like a river and more like a drain filled with garbage of all sorts.

The cleaning of Luipui river was carried out by a party of 12 members from Mission Veng YAC. They started out at 9:30 in the morning and short speech on climate change Awareness was read out by one of their member Miss Malsawmdawngzeli.

The river was polluted beyond their belief. It could be thought that the people living nearby have been dumping all their garbage and wastes in the river. A long stretch of the river could not be cleaned so collection of garbage was done till the point where it meets the river Sakhisih. For the collection of the garbage, a total of 4 box of the largest sized garbage bags was used. Club members carried more than a total of 50 bag uphill to the place where pickup trucks can reach. The garbage bags were then loaded in the pickup truck and transported to Tuirial Dumping site.

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